71.5 F
Thousand Oaks

Four Steps to a Successful Day

In these days of school shutdowns and irregular schedules, it is more important than ever to set a regular schedule so the day doesn’t pass by without getting anything meaningful done. Let me share some of the simple steps I take to make the most of each day.

Planning is the first step to a successful day. First, I make a list of the things I want to get done. I love making a list and seeing how many I get through by the end of the day, but this approach doesn’t work unless paired with the second step in the strategy.

The second step is to create a schedule outlining your day, perhaps on paper or on your phone. I find it best to split the plan into 30-minute increments. This strategy is great if you are easily distracted because it makes sure you are always focused on doing meaningful tasks which are split into bite-sized, 30-minute increments.

Some people use a mental list rather than pen and paper, or a device. I have mixed feelings about keeping the list in your head because it only works if you can remember it. That said, I like to mix up my methods because eventually I get bored, or one approach simply isn’t working. So try different things and find out what works for you.

Third, I cut timewasters out of my life. These may include endless social-media scrolling or long stretches of TV-watching. For me, this step is easily the most challenging in making a successful day. Of course, the best way to end unnecessary scrolling and other app distractions is to delete them. However, most of us are scared of doing that or don’t want to go cold turkey, so I recommend setting time limits on each app so you can ease out of their clutches.

I do the same for TV and other amusements. I set a beginning and ending time. Entertainment and the Internet can be huge distractions from having a successful day, but they can provide quality leisure time when used in the right way. 

The fourth step is simply to wake up earlier. Early rising can give you a couple of extra hours in your day and help make room for the fun stuff and “want to’s.” Waking up earlier also gives you a chance to exercise in the morning since most of us don’t have sports anymore.

Whatever time you wake up, it is still important to get dressed and make yourself presentable, even if you don’t have plans to go anywhere that day. This gives you a jumpstart and sets the tone for a productive day. Staying in bed until noon and wearing your pajamas all day is not a motivator.

So make a solid plan or schedule to know where your time is going. Then cut out unfulfilling leisure that wastes your time, like social media and TV. Lastly, try waking up earlier to gain more hours in your day.

All in all, making your day successful is challenging, but the feeling of fulfillment is the best reward.


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