The following summary is from the regular city council meetings on Tuesdays, February 13 and February 27, 2024.
Anticipated Litigation: Claim of Marjan Behzadi, City Claim Number: 1734-2024.
Pending Litigation: California Department of Housing and Community Development vs. Shangri-La Industries, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court Case Number: 24STCV00629.
Pending Litigation: F. Roberts Construction Inc. vs. Shangri-La Industries, LLC, et al., Ventura County Superior Court Case Number: 2023CUBC018021.
Pending Litigation: Marjan Behzadi vs. City of Thousand Oaks et al. Worker’s Compensation Appeal Board Case Number: Unassigned.
Mayor Al Adam honored the late Lawrence Horner, the first black city councilman and Thousand Oaks mayor, as part of Black History Month. Special guest Cynthia Horner, the eldest Horner daughter, attended and was presented with a framed certificate honoring her father. Daughter Kimberly Horner spoke via Zoom about her father’s legacy in the community.
In celebration of Government Communicators Day, Adam presented a framed proclamation to Alexandra South, strategic communications director, and her team.
Members of the General Plan Advisory Committee were recognized for their work in drafting a new plan.
One City One Book selection by the Thousand Oaks Library announced: The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi.
Lang Martinez, homeless advocate, was concerned about a homeless individual who died from hypothermia.
Pattie Braga, with VC Leadership Academy, invited the council to the annual award ceremony on April 25 for local honorees – Amgen, David Maron, Tracy McAullay, Linda Rossi, and Bill Kearney.
Elias Zeledon Hutton, a Ventura resident and student, suggested even more celebrations for the various cultures in the region.
Jim Yarborough, Newbury Park, called for a ceasefire resolution between Israel and Gaza.
Nicole Becerra said she was inspired to open a memory care home for seniors and requested the community’s help in finding the perfect place to build it.
Clint Fultz, Thousand Oaks, asked for grant of easement approval for EV chargers at Newbury Park Library.
All bids for Hill Canyon Treatment Plant Metal Awning Replacements (CI 5742) received on January 10, 2024, were rejected. Staff will re-advertise for new bids.
$4,240,500 MMC Inc., of La Palma, for Hill Canyon Treatment Plant (HCTP) Unit W Wastewater Interceptor Improvements Project (CI 5445).
$2,500,000 five-year contract is given to BPR, Inc. of Port Hueneme, for Sidewalk Maintenance and Displacement Removal Services effective February 13, 2023, through June 30, 2028. Kevin Wilson, public works superintendent, said the city has 565 linear miles of public sidewalk. Most damage is caused from tree roots, which requires grinding down vertically displaced sidewalks, estimated at 96,000 throughout the city. Resident Tim McCarthy was recognized by Councilman Kevin McNamee for helping spur the effort to repair sidewalks, which various community groups participated in identifying areas needing attention.
$1,402,996 Mesa Energy Systems Inc., of Irvine, for Hill Canyon Treatment Plant Digester Backup Boiler Upgrade Project (CI 5615).
$643,459 Creative Bus Sales of Chino, for six Ford E-Transit 350 Cargo Vans.
$608,383 Canon Solutions America, Inc., of Melville, NY, and Canon Financial Services, Inc., of Glendale, using the County of DuPage, IL, agreement through OMNIA Partners for a 60-month copier [multi-function device (MFD)] equipment lease and maintenance agreement for the citywide MFD equipment, lease and maintenance agreement for high-production reprographics equipment, and PRISMA software license lease for the City’s Print Shop.
$444,749 AECOM Technical Services, Inc., of Los Angeles, for construction phase support services on the Unit W Wastewater Interceptor Improvements Project (CI 5445).
$221,000 Webb Municipal Finance, LLC of Riverside, for landscape and lighting district no. 79-2 engineering and management consulting services, for a three-year period February 13, 2024, with options to extend through June 30, 2029.
$156,675 AEPC Group, LLC, of Santa Clarita, revised contract for construction phase support services and material testing for the HCTP Digester Backup Boiler Upgrade Project (CI 5615).
$125,000 Best, Best & Krieger LLP law firm of Riverside, for continued legal services relating to the Navigation Center to be located at 1205 Lawrence Dr.
$125,000 Blois Construction of Oxnard, for emergency Wastewater Line Repair at Hill Canyon Treatment Plant.
$123,500 with Flock Group, Inc. of Atlanta, for a two-year lease of 20 Automated License Plate Reader cameras, beginning March 1, 2024.
$91,818 Padre Associates Inc., of Ventura, for environmental permit assistance and monitoring services on the Unit W Wastewater Interceptor Improvements Project (CI 5445).
$50,000 GSE Construction of Livermore, CA) for emergency Wastewater Line Repair at Hill Canyon Treatment Plant.
$35,200 Community Environmental Enhancement Grants approved for the following eight organizations:
– $4,500 Adelante Comunidad Conejo for food rescue program.
– $4,500 Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank for food waste reduction.
– $4,500 Safe Passage Youth Foundation for environmental corp.
– $4,500 Santa Monica Mountain Fund for school education programs.
– $4,500 St. Paschal Baylon Conference 329, Society of St. Vincent de Paul for a food recovery program.
– $4,500 St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School for water filler station.
– $4,500 The Community Gardens of the Avenue of the Flowers for exterior office and educational space.
– $3,700 Conejo Open Space Foundation for trail work days.
$6,375 Off-Cycle Community Event Grant approved for the Scandinavian American Cultural and Historical Foundation’s Festival on May 18-19, 2024.
Grant of Easement to Southern California Edison for electric vehicle charging infrastructure at the City’s Newbury Park Library (CI 5569) at 2331 Borchard Rd.
Out of Agency Service Agreements between:
Leticia Bonnet/Dorothy Brinkworth and the City to provide water and wastewater service for a new single-family residence at 371 Acacia Road (APN 673-0-190-140) in the unincorporated Ventu Park area of Thousand Oaks.
Leonard and Mandy Liston and the City to provide wastewater service for a new single-family residence (APN 663-0-122-025 / 725 Camino Durango) in the unincorporated Lynn Ranch area of Thousand Oaks.
Reza Azad and the City to provide water and wastewater service for a new single-family residence (APN 673-0-190-340 / Hemlock Lane) in the unincorporated Ventu Park area of Thousand Oaks.
Diana Vizcaino and the City to provide water and wastewater services for a new single-family residence at 1983 Rudolph Drive, APN 673-0-160-210, in the unincorporated Ventu Park area of Thousand Oaks.
Karen Davis, Board of Directors of Thousand Oaks Alliance for the Arts (TOArts) for a three-year term ending December 31, 2026.
Keith Wintermute, Board of Directors of TOArts for a two-year period ending December 31, 2025.
First reading of an ordinance permitting the recovery of attorneys’ fees by the prevailing party to a nuisance abatement action or proceeding.
First reading of an ordinance to allow electronic campaign disclosure statements and Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) form filings.